Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Victories - Even if Small

Teen pimp found guilty of human trafficking - Today's Seattle Times (online)

In addition, a program thought lost to 2010 budget cuts in King County has been saved:

"I have great news! The Council was able to allocate $100,000 in the 2010 budget for the Safe Housing and Treatment for Children in Prostitution program through careful reprioritization of expenditures. Options to allow vulnerable youth to escape a life of prostitution are desperately needed-this program will help by providing them with emergency shelter, transitional housing and targeted social services. I was honored to advocate for restoring this specific program's funding in the 2010 budget. As you may know, I have voted in support of this program several times over the past three years, and earlier this year when it was proposed for the chopping block, I advocated for King County to continue our funding commitment, even given the current difficult budgetary outlook. I am tremendously pleased that King County will be able to provide $100,000 to help start this important program to rescue teens from a life of prostitution."

~copied from an email sent by Larry Phillips, Councilmember; Metropolitan King County Council, District Four on Monday, November 23, 2009

Proverbs 31:8-9

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